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Democrat Theology? Republican Theology?

Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas, and Rep. Janice Hahn, D-Calif., speak before President Barack Obama takes the podium at the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington, Thursday, Feb. 6, 2014. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)

Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas, and Rep. Janice Hahn, D-Calif., speak before President Barack Obama takes the podium at the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington, Thursday, Feb. 6, 2014. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)

This year President Obama told the crowd at the 2014 National Prayer Breakfast to “put aside labels of party and ideology and (be) what we are first, children of a loving god.” It is a wonderful line isn’t it?

Why not?  The event was hosted  by the bipartisan duo of Reps. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) and Janice Hahn (D-CA).  I think the pair provide us with a great answer.  Christian Theology is meaningless when  party values trump religious belief.   

A quick scan of the voting record shows while both profess a belief in Christianity their actions on key issues are drastically different. Republican Louie Gohmert’s record on late-term abortion shows a clear pattern of opposition scoring high marks from the National Right to Life Committee and an abysmal 0% from Planned Parenthood.  On the other hand Democrat Janice Hahn  scored a perfect 100% from NARAL Pro-Choice America and a miserable 0% for National Right to Life Committee. 


Ok so one favors late-term abortion and the other opposes it maybe the Bible is vague on this issue. Maybe good Christians can disagree on a bill  introduced by Arizona congressman Trent Franks to prohibit abortion after the fifth month of pregnancy except for when the mother’s life or heath was at risk.

Maybe being guided by their faith and their understanding of their Sacred Text one Christian could conclude that a bill protecting the unborn fetus at 5 months, or 20 week unborn baby if you prefer that way of


measuring, is nothing more than a “senseless attack on rights of all women” as NARAL president Ilyse Hogue put it. While the other supports the legislation.

To be fair the term “Late Term Abortion” does not appear in any of the  7958 verses in the New Testament or the 23,145 verses found in the Old Testament. However, most Mainline Protestant and Catholic churches take a stand against the practice.

So if the vast majority of Christian Thinkers alive today across a wide denominational divide  and throughout history agree that aborting a 5 month old fetus for any reason except to protect the life of the mother is at a minimum an act that should be discouraged.

Is it fair to say that if you do everything in your power to promote and protect the practice of Late Term Abortion you are at the very least not a very good Christian, or acting like a child of a loving God… I think so.

Its Because I’M Black Isn’t it? Why The Left hates Assault Weapons

By Mark Slaughter

It's Because I am Black

“If assault weapons are necessary for defense why have there been no stories of people using them to defend themselves only stories of people killing innocent victims?”  — Sen. Chuck Grassley

What a simple question, maybe America would be a much better place if we as a society would simply banned these implements of mayhem, death, and destruction.  After all why would a private citizen need to assault anything, obviously assault is a crime, so really its is nothing more than a “crime weapon.” Think of the lives we would save, think of the children.

Gabrielle Gifford

Yes the children, anti-gun zealots have no problem parading in the children to advance their cause of trampling the Constitution. They now have an opportunity ban guns and they are going to strike while the iron is hot.   Under the banner of the “saving children”  the leftist locust consumes liberty ever increasing the power of government while shrinking the freedom of man.

Former congresswoman Gabrielle Gifford who was shot by anti-thiest Jared Lee Loughner who in a vicious attack killed 6 and 12 wounded with a handgun said in a recent hearing ” Too many children are dying. Too many children. We must do something. It will be hard, but the time is now. You must act. Be bold, be courageous, Americans are counting on you. Thank you.”

Although, when Rep. Joe Heck (R-Nev.) suggested that Congresswoman Gifford had been used as a “prop” for gun control during the  State of the Union speech he drew the ire of the gun control advocates and found himself back peddling because the “brownshirt tacts” employed by the leftist labeled him a monster for even suggesting such an idea.

Thanks to unfavorable media anyone who suggest we uphold the 2nd Amendment is

I carry a gun because a cop is too heavy

labeled a simpleton at best and a monster at worst.  It is no doubt that in their mind only a imbecile would be in favor of in allowing a law abiding citizen the opportunity to own an “assault weapon?”  Americans that cling to their guns and religion have always been a problem to the leftist.  After all they same folks that wouldn’t force a Constitutionally protected religious institution from violating their faith and force them to provide birth control.

The answer to the question is simple when an “assault weapon” saves a life it is not news. Incidentally before the kids were born I kept a fully loaded “assault weapon” under my bed and it never killed a single person, and I am sure millions of Americans have had the same experience. The real question should be why a sane person would look at the plethora of gun laws that were unable to stop these shootings and think just one more law is all we need.

It is interesting that these massacres happened in “gun free zones” areas that say to evil doers “Attention kill all the innocent people you want, no one here can stop you have a nice day.”

Gun Ban

What is it exactly about the assault weapon that is so scary to the extreme left? Is it the pistol grip, collapsible stock, maybe the flash suppressor, the “high capacity” magazine or the bayonet lug? The term assault weapon is a manufactured word created by the anti-gun zealots who like the left have mastered the rape of the English language for political advancement.

Are the cosmetic differences between an “evil” assault weapon and a repeating rifle or hand gun are to blame?

The question for the Senator should be why these evil “assault weapons” are only  responsible for 2% of all gun murders?

What about the “assault hammer” or the “assault club” let’s not forget about the “assault fist” all of these weapons for death took more lives than the dreaded “assault rifle.”

The answer is simple the left hates guns, and this is the flavor of the month, so when you say you think people can own an AR15 you sound like a monster. Even though a plain old hand gun was the weapon of choice by a majority of gun murders last year.

Deaths By Type

I give God 10% why do you get 18

By Mark Slaughter

Screen Shot 2013-02-09 at 3.09.23 PMThat short statement on an Applebee’s receipt written by Pastor Alois Bell gave birth to the “Nonbeliever Service Appreication Day” or Valentines Day for everyone else. I have to admit not being a member of the I am not sure if there is some significance to the misspelling of appreciation or not. If not at least it is good to know my atheist friends struggle with spelling as much as I do.

Here is the real question. Why did the actions of “pastor” from a 15 member church launch a viral response to a stupid comment on a receipt, and could there ever be a secular equivalent?

Screen Shot 2013-02-09 at 3.06.18 PMI mean it’s not like this lady is the Pope or a Mega-Church Leader, really in the grand scheme of things she is really not that important.

One good thing that did come of this other than an idiotic “tit for tat” tipping competition on the twittersphere and other social media outlets is the value of the position of pastor, and I am sure no server in their right mind will complain the tipping war. Hopefully servers make out like bandits on Valentines Day, because they deserve it.

Although, as a guy that worked in the service industry I will say the best tippers were always people who made their living as waiters and waitress regardless of belief, they were always the most generous, probably a good Biblical lesson in there somewhere, but I will save that for another day.

Screen Shot 2013-02-09 at 3.23.12 PM

Pastor Bell has taught a very valuable lesson that everyone in Christian leadership should take note of.  The harm done by those in the faith is far more damaging than any secularist could ever do, and it is because there is no atheist equivalent.

Is an atheist ever going to write on their receipt anything like Pastor Bell? No. They are only doing it now to show how “good” they can be without God.

Screen Shot 2013-02-09 at 3.04.18 PM

What would the atheist analog be?  Would they write,         “I give American Atheists a 501 (c) (3) non profit (educational) organization. 10% why do you get 18.”

I am guessing no, and because it never happens they can feel good about themselves, but when a when an antisocial worshiper of technology and non-believer shoot up a school or a movie theater, they can always say that’s not my kind of anti-theism.

Atheism is the perfect belief system for a narcissists because they are the judge of their own goodness.  So when they give a 28% tip in their mind they are winning.

Do Not Spend Christmas Alone


It is Christmas, and a feeling of goodwill is in the air, colored lights gleam through the dark night. Children are exuberant, smiling from ear to ear, filled with a contagious anticipation that lifts the mood of even the biggest Humbug.

scroogeThe stores are crowed and shopping bags are filled with carefully selected gifts.  In the background sounds of bells ringing and a favorite Christmas song can be heard everywhere celebrating a season of cheer.

This time of year brings with it nostalgia, full fond memories from the past and hope for a brighter future. Christmas works it’s magic on the Old Scrooges, and Mr. Grinch’s alike making it hard for even them to resist warming up this season.


No matter where you are in the world one thread unites us all at Christmas, gifts are nice but nothing can replace the feeling of togetherness. Your presence will always be more valuable than your presents.

santa-skypeUnfortunately, an ocean separates us but cards and letters, phone calls, and video messages instantly transport us to our loved ones, even if it is just for a moment.
This year I encourage you to not spend Christmas alone, check on a neighbor or a friend.  Invite them to stop by and spend some time catching up. Make sure to call your loved ones, and never forget the real reason for the season.

“For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.” Luke 2:11


A real spirit of Christmas?

Christmas Presents

Christmas is here again, back home the stores are littered with decorations and ongoing sales that enticing us to “BUY, BUY, BUY!” From every direction we are encouraged to “spend money we don’t have to impress those we don’t like.” If you are like me it feels like the “holiday shopping season” starts earlier every year, and this rush to acquire things has a numbing effect on the importance of

Unfortunately, this commercialism has come to define Christmas for many Americans.

Stores reinforce the message and promote the holiday as one only enjoyed through the acquisition of “things.” Advertisements bombard us with images of bountiful Christmas scenes filled with beautiful packages surrounding a tree.

We are told that happiness will be realized with the receipt of this or that consumer product, and over 50 percent of Christmas shoppers will go further into debt, trying to achieve this goal.

Black Friday

If you find yourself swept up in the rush of consumerism, stop! iPads will break, Uggs will go out of style.  Take a moment to remember that Christmas is about God’s gracious and abundant gifts to humanity.

The gifts of life, family and friends, good food, music, worship, charity, mercy, grace, and love. Discover the true satisfaction and contentment not because you received the latest, gadget but because you have surrounded yourself with friends and family in a real Spirit of Christmas.

May God Bless you all, and may you have a safe, peaceful and merry Christmas.  


Aired October 13, 1964
Original text:
If I Were the Devil

If I were the Prince of Darkness I would want to engulf the whole earth in darkness.

I’d have a third of its real estate and four-fifths of its population, but I would not be happy until I had seized the ripest apple on the tree.

So I should set about however necessary, to take over the United States.

I would begin with a campaign of whispers.

With the wisdom of a serpent, I would whisper to you as I whispered to Eve, “Do as you please.”

To the young I would whisper “The Bible is a myth.“ I would convince them that ”man created God,” instead of the other way around. I would confide that “what is bad is good and what is good is square.”

In the ears of the young married I would whisper that work is debasing, that cocktail parties are good for you. I would caution them not to be “extreme” in religion, in patriotism, in moral conduct.

And the old I would teach to pray — to say after me — “Our father which art in Washington.”

Then I’d get organized.

I’d educate authors in how to make lurid literature exciting so that anything else would appear dull, uninteresting.

I’d threaten TV with dirtier movies, and vice-versa.

I’d infiltrate unions and urge more loafing, less work. Idle hands usually work for me.

I’d peddle narcotics to whom I could, I’d sell alcohol to ladies and gentlemen of distinction, I’d tranquilize the rest with pills.

If I were the Devil, I wo

uld encourage schools to refine young intellects, but neglect to discipline emotions; let those run wild.

I‘d designate an atheist to front for me before the highest courts and I’d get preachers to say, “She’s right.”

With flattery and promises of power I would get the courts to vote against God and in favor of pornography.

Thus I would evict God from the courthouse, then from the schoolhouse, then from the Houses of Congress.

Then in his own churches I’d substitute psychology for religion and deify science.

If I were Satan I’d make the symbol of Easter an egg

And the symbol of Christmas a bottle.

If I were the Devil I’d take from those who have and give to those who wanted until I had killed the incentive of the ambitious. Then my police state would force everybody back to work.

Then I would separate families, putting children in uniform, women in coal mines and objectors in slave-labor camps.

If I were Satan I‘d just keep doing what I’m doing

~~ Paul Harvey

Over the years Paul Harvey edited and rebroadcast the text evidentially producing the final script read in the video.

Video Credit Joe Donahue

This Is What You Get When The Stupidest Generation Raises The Most Selfish Generation Ever

By Mark Slaughter

They have been called the “Greatest Generation” by many.  The generation of Americans that survived the Great Depression, and liberated the world by winning the Last Great World War.  It was their innovation and hard work that rebuild the modern world, even putting a man on the moon.  It seemed like there wasn’t anything they couldn’t do, but unfortunately they failed to pass their values on to their children.

WWII Generation

Maybe because they were so busy conquering the modern world, rebuilding and creating they were just to tired to take the time to teach these values to their children. As a result they produced the stupidest generation ever the Baby Boomers.


The Boomers are a generation of Americans that think it is more important to teach children how to put condoms on cucumbers instead of reading, writing, and arithmetic. Clearly American Baby Boomers are the world’s most narcissistic, foolish, childlike, rash, incompetent, and obstinate generation in history.  They have managed to make obsessive self involvement an art form and virtually every policy idea they’ve come up with has failed.

This generation gave us abortion on demand killing between 40-60 million babies depending on whose stats you use. Invented political correctness, destroyed education in our country, and declared the “Death of God.”

Boomers have turned colleges into indoctrination centers and high schools into holding pens and created The NIKE (No Income Kids With Education)  1 in 7 parents with grown children say they had a ”boomerang kid” move back home in the past year, according to a study released by the Pew Research Center.

A turnabout in the rite of passage in which a college graduate finds a job and an apartment, and start a family many are returning to their parents.


It is hard to imagine a returning World War 2 Veteran or Rosie the Riveter  demanding free birth control so they could be happy, or even expect it as a right.  In less than three generations every thing they worked for had been erased.  “Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.” Proverbs 22:6

It is my opinion that if the college age woman really thinks free government provided birth control will bring her happiness, she will never be happy, and if a 9$ a month prescription drug is truly keeping her from happiness her life is probably pretty good.

Human Baby or Parasite

Sanger and the KKK

By Mark Slaughter

While the secular pro-abortion crowd loves to mock the religious, they never take a moment for self-reflection, and why should they?  In their minds, they are a much finer, kinder, and intelligent class of people.  That’s why most debate ends with them offended or insulted because those who value life are just to stupid to embrace the intelligence needed to stop our “War on Women.”

The kind of enlightenment that lets you do a series of mental gymnastics magically turning a human baby into a fetus (Latin for offspring). The clever clinical sounding term fetus is nothing more than a cheap parlor trick the pro-abortion crowd uses to take away humanity from an unborn child.  The fact remains no mater what you call the child he or she is still a precious human life.

A simple experiment will uncover the fraud perpetrated by the pro-abortionist. Next time you are in conversation with a pregnant woman ask her how the fetus is doing, and if she plans on having the parasite removed or choosing to allow it to live. Well that may not be the wisest thing to do but bluntly, that is how the pro-abortionist views human life.


Of course, you need to go through at least four years of liberal brain washing at any secular seminary know as the university to hold this viewpoint.  In their attempt to push the abortion agenda they call themselves “pro-choice” after all who could be against choice.  This is reenforced in the liberal world and you can hear all most any college student proudly proclaim “the university is where they teach you to think.”  While anyone that dares to disagree  is obviously a non-thinker.   The university is a bastion of liberal thought, and scholars like Shane Krouse who wrote in Michigan State University’s paper The State News.  “If anything, a fetus is merely a parasitical creature that uses the mother as its host. Tapeworms are parasites that house themselves in the intestinal tracts of humans, feeding off the food the host consumes. Comparatively, a fetus is little more than a tapeworm.”


Margaret Sanger would certainly be proud of Mr. Krouse like him she was an expert in devaluating human life.  Her favorite target was the poor and non-white.  This hero of Planned Parenthood “accepted an invitation to talk to the women’s branch of the Ku Klux Klan…I saw through the door dim figures parading with banners and illuminated crosses…I was escorted to the platform, was introduced, and began to speak…In the end, through simple illustrations I believed I had accomplished my purpose. A dozen invitations to speak to similar groups were proffered.” (Margaret Sanger: An Autobiography, P.366)

It is possible that Margaret Sanger and those who attended her speeches at the Ku Klux Klan rallies would take pride in knowing  their hard work has resulted in “1500 black babies being violently dismembered and killed by abortion each and every day.” According to   Day Gardner, President of National Black Pro-Life Union more than 15 million black children since 1973 have been slaughtered by abortion and this ghastly practice has become the number one killer of black people in the United States.

Although if you are “pro-choice” you can sleep easier at night believing the only thing the abortion doctor did was remove an unwanted parasite and not a precious human life.

A Self Described Evangelical Republican is the latest deserter in the “War on Women”

By Mark Slaughter


Lynn Leseth in San Diego on Thursday at the Rally for Women's Rights, which denounced efforts to limit reproductive freedoms by Sam Hodgson for The New York Times

If you are on the left you are undoubtedly concerned with conservatives in America opening up yet another front in their all out assault on humanity preventing liberals from creating a utopia on Earth. Yes, this time it is the “War on Women.”

Mary Russell of Iowa City

Mary Russell of Iowa City has previously voted Republican, but may vote for President Obama this year. By Matthew Holst for The New York Times

The New York Times this week gleefully published an account of  a “centrist women” who up until the birth control kerfuffle was a GOP supporter. The self-described Evangelical Christian and “old school” Republican perspective changed just two weeks ago. “She had favored Mitt Romney for president. Not anymore. She said she might vote for President Obama now. “I didn’t realize I had a strong viewpoint on this until these conversations,” Ms. Russell said. As for the Republican presidential candidates, she added: “If they’re going to decide on women’s reproductive issues, I’m not going to vote for any of them. Women’s reproduction is our own business.”[1]

While it is difficult to believe that a life long Republican, and Evangelical Christian would suddenly change her vote based on conservative groups opposing a state mandated contraception policy, that inevitability breaches the First Amendment. Or it may have been conservative states offering women a chance to make an informed decision before they abort their child it’s hard to say which needle broke the camels back. Although, I am sure people with only an elementary understanding of politics from the left and right could easily pin these positions on conservatives.  Which begs the question do “centrist” even know what has been going on during the last forty years?

For one reason or another Ms. Russell was shocked to learn that the Republican Party was Pro-Life and stands in defense of the First Amendment. But, all is not lost at a minimum, Ms. Russell will no longer be an unformed voter, at least when it comes to “women’s reproductive rights.”

Really who could fault Ms. Russell she was undoubtedly busy teaching school and may have missed the rise of the Moral Majority in the mid-seventies that continues to this day founded by the Evangelical Christian Leader Jerry Falwell who has always maintained a strong stance against abortion. A position common among a vast majority of Evangelicals according to an ABC poll “73% of evangelicals under the age of thirty believe abortion should be illegal in all or most cases; while 71% of older evangelicals do.”[2]  It is possible she never took the time to talk to another Evangelical about abortion in the last 40 years which is understandable considering it was “in the time before time the long, long ago” before Facebook, Twitter, and text messaging.


Lyndon B. Johnson 1964 victory over Goldwater was the sixth-most lopsided presidential election in the history of the United States

Truth be told Ms. Russell stands in contradistinction to both the Republican Party and a vast majority of Evangelicals. However, she can take comfort in the fact she agrees with Barry Goldwater the “old school” Republican who said in an U.S. News &World Report Interview from 1994 he was deeply worried about the Religious Right’s long-term impact on his beloved GOP.  “If they succeed in establishing religion as a basic Republican Party tenet, they could do us in.” Unfortunately, for Goldwater he could not have been more incorrect.

The failed political prophet should have known something about being “done in.” After all he was defeated in a hilarious landslide receiving just 52 electoral votes to Lyndon Johnson’s 486. Goldwater’s lopsided defeat was remarkably similar to the 1980 Ronald Reagan trouncing of sitting President Jimmy Carter just 16 short years later with the help of the “Moral Majority.” Yes this “old school” Republican really knew how to make history lets just hope it doesn’t repeat itself in 2012.

Ms. Russell will certainly make a perfect addition to the liberal party possibly gleefully voting without serious thought for another 40 years. This time motivated by a government provided birth control pill. Proving yet again entitlements are the heroin of a society.

Hopefully, trampling the First Amendment for a $9.00 a month prescription is worth it, because we all know when government gets involved your freedoms tend to increase. Well, maybe not all freedoms, but the freedom to abort your child will certainly be protected everything else not so much. Ironic considering Ms. Russell’s paradigm shift happened at a baby shower.


Reagan's 1980 electoral college victory of 489 electoral votes (90.9% of the electoral vote) is the most lopsided electoral college victory for a non-incumbent President.

Her new found birth control freedom might help Ms Russell overlook all the fines, fees, taxes, licensing, regulations, rules, and mandates on business.  Mandates on her personal life-like purchasing insurance, what type of toilet, shower head, light bulb, and fireplace she has in her house. What she is allowed to do on her property, when she can talk on her phone, How she must be strapped in when she drives her car, and what she packs in her child’s lunch box.

Yes Ms. Russell, we understand your main concern is keeping government out of “women’s reproduction issues” but you do it by forcing religious groups to provide birth control against their Constitutional Right, which is sort of like getting government more involved in “women’s reproductive issues.”

Maybe you are right, a professional women enrolled in a top-tier law school might not be responsible enough purchase her own birth control, and the government must do it for her. After all this is the same government that will make a half a dozen decision for her before she makes that drive to school, and dozens more before she enters the classroom. Maybe a liberal women isn’t that responsible after all, and she needs government to take care of her.

As the feminist Gloria Steinem once said, “A women without a man is like a fish without a bicycle” and who really needs a man when you have big government to raise your children, provide your birth control, tell you how much water you can flush down the toilet, and where you can talk on you cellphone, but that is not the end of it because the list will continue to grow.

Maybe it is the conservative position that gives a woman more dignity, a position that trusts in her ability do make wise decisions, and do things on her own, and maybe the real “War on Women” is being waged by those that want to treat her like a child no matter her age?

Fish without a bicycle

[1] Susan Saulny, “Centrist Women Tell of Disenchantment With Republicans,” New York Times (New York, NY), sec. Politics, March 10, 2012.

[2] Marcia Pally, “The New Evangelicals: How Christians Are Rethinking Abortion And Gay Marriage,” ABC RELIGION AND ETHICS December 2011.

Sandra Fluke and the Big Lie.

By Mark Slaughter

March 6, 2012

Sandra Fluke the now famous student from Georgetown Law School  and “reproductive rights activist” agrees wholeheartedly with the Obama administration’s controversial contraceptive mandate. Ms. Fluke had her testimony thrust into the national conversation because of some unwise comments made by rightwing talk show host Rush Limbaugh.

If you are reading this, chances are good you know those details and I will leave that for others to debate, because it fails to address the most important issue.  Was she using hyperbole, exaggeration or just outright lying to congress?

Her incredible statement that on a daily basis she “hears from yet another women that has suffered finically, emotionally and medically because of their lack of coverage” which  “as you know can cost a women 3000$ over law school.”

I would venture to say almost no one knew about the finically punishing amount it costs a women to obtain contraception in America.  While it is unclear how she comes up with this heart wrenching total you can see the pain in her face as she recounts the testimony of women that approach her daily seeking help with their plight.

The help that only a “reproductive rights activist” and future lawyer could provide.

If you are like me and are one of the ninety-nine percent crowd, you probably do your own shopping at a Wal-Mart or Target where conception of various types can be had for a fraction of the price Ms. Fluke’s comrades pay.

Our friends at The New York Times reported that:

“Wal-Mart… said it would also sell a month’s supply of two popular birth control medications and a fertility drug for $9 each”

The Weekly Standard reported that:

“According to an employee at the pharmacy in Washington, D.C.’s Target store, the pharmacy sells birth control pills–the generic versions of Ortho Tri-Cyclen and Ortho-Cyclen–for $9 per month”

Of course in the United States, law school: “typically lasts three years”

So, $9 per month x 36 months = $324 — almost a full order of magnitude less than Ms. Fluke seemingly alleges.

However, I would be remiss if I forgot about the liberal’s favorite school handout, the condom.  The left wants them everywhere starting in the middle school cafeteria and beyond.  So maybe these poor Georgetown Law Students couldn’t find them for free at the health clinic, and were forced to by them.

Ms. Fluke’s condom budget would purchase about 675 condoms a year enough for these ladies to practice their “reproductive rights” two times a day, every day for three years continually.  I don’t care who you are that would be a pretty impressive record, considering the riggers demanded by a top tier law school.

The fact remains that even with some ridiculous mental gymnastics and far-fetched scenarios, the $3000 estimate is difficult at best to achieve, and realistically, impossible.  Which begs the question at what point does an exaggeration become a lie? Ms. Fluke is a third year law student at a prestigious institution, so she is undoubtedly very intelligent, but does her role as an activist cloud her judgment. I think it does.

Maybe the pain, and fear she sees daily in the untold number of women faces justifies her willingness to stretch the truth.   Ms. Fluke may see herself standing in breach defending the helpless in the “GOP’s War against Women.”  In the liberal world  she has become a modern day Rahab lying to save the Jewish spies or the Gies Family  risking everything protecting the Frank family from the Nazi Security Service.

At the end of the day it is just hard to believe our society has stooped to this level.  A level that applauds an activist is willing to lie in congress about a pill that cost 30cent a day. Supporting a government that would have all religious groups sacrifice their faith so a cash strapped college student won’t have to choose between buying two cups of  Starbucks coffee or birth control.